Saturday, October 28, 2006

world series champs

THEY DID IT!!!!! The Cardinals won. What else is there to say??? Nothing except..... party!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Current projects

Still working on the beading project, but, man, its taking FOREVER. I have finished 17 squares out of a million (really its about 33 ). Instead of doing one at a time, I've bumped it up to three. They may take longer but it feels as though I have accomplished more. My goal is to have it done by the end of the year. We'll see.

I know I said I would stop knitting but after getting my Barbara walker book, I felt compelled to start. I am going to make a top down sweater. I have so many questions. Watch out knitty board !! Here is the pic of my current state of it. Still working on the collar part.

There was a girl named "Jane"

Okay, let me tell you about my friend "Jane". Before she knew how to knit, she crocheted. Also, mind you, this was before "Jane" knew what nice yarns felt like. One day she decided to buy some nice yarn, at the time was LB homespun. She crocheted a blanket for what was going to be her new house. She had made blankets before and knew how many stitches it would take to make a nice size blanket...... 77 with a Q hook. So she chained the correct amount and continued on changing colors to make a blanket that looked like a ripple of waves. When she was done....... The blanket was way to long and not wide enough. NO, she didn't want to start over so she folded the long strip in half and sewed the piece together forming something that resembled a clam (ocean theme here). She thought that when she had time she would do things over..... The correct way. Since then "Jane " releaned how to knit. She bought herself one of those novelty needles (US 50)..... She tried.. But it was odd working with such huge needles, plus things did not look right. So, she continued to unravel the blanket and wind it into a ball. For "Jane" this was about 2 months ago and she still has the ball lying on here living room floor. (Feet added for scale ( women's size 7.5)..... man, someone needs a pedicure).

Thursday, October 19, 2006


oh my! they actually did it. The CARDS beat the Mets! All it took was 7 games. To fair, the Mets were pretty good. There were times I had my doubts, but tonight i can sleep happy. I thought i was going to write about knitting and such, but, no, maybe tomorrow.

GO CARDS !!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

this just in....


yes, my redbirds have made it past the padres to move on. This time around they were the underdogs, but they showed all the nay sayers. Next up, the Mets. I say my boys win in five.